I recently made a Libery Top with Pulled Collar. I mostly liked the collar, but felt it was too tall for my neck. So I decided to make it again, this time shortening the neck by 3/4". This works better for me, I think.
This fabric, which was fabulous to sew, is a textured cotton from Emma One Sock. EOS sold out long ago, but I recently saw it for sale on the Sewing Workshop site. I purchased the buttons for another project at Hart's in Santa Cruz, when I was on my way to a sewing retreat. I like their little cross-hatched design.

I haven't cooked in months.
This cayote squash was purchased in maybe January for a pot of soup. The cayote, now called Gerold, decided to sprout. When I took this picture, a couple weeks ago, I measured and the tendril was 3 feet, 1 inch, not including the squash.
Gerold has been composted. I like to think Gerold is happily growing away on some compost pile.
I still haven't cooked.
I've been busy at work and this weekend will be busy. A blogger meet-up at the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit and some daughter time. I hope you have a good one!