She did it! She did it!
DD1 has graduated. And what did I wear? Oy vey.
That... and more...
Late breaking news! I just got back from meeting Ari Seth Cohen, of Advanced Style, and Joy Venturini Bianchi, an amazing clothing collector and benefactor who is featured in Ari's latest book. Read on for details!
This post has a lot of talk and even more pics, so be patient!
- Graduation
- Weather Fluctations
- Britex, Outlander, PROJKT Maiden Lane
- Meeting Ari Seth Cohen and Joy Venturini Bianchi
- Rose City Textiles
- GoogleServe and a Rapunzel Hat
Yep, she did it and in 4 years!
I have a policy of not publishing exactly where my kids attend school, at least not while they are there. But DD1 has graduated and moved out, so I can now tell you that she attended Western Oregon University, or WOU, in Monmouth, Oregon.
One reason that she attended an out-of-state school is because of the Western Undegraduate Exchange program, or WUE. Have you heard of this? Public universities from several western states (including Hawaii and Alaska) participate in this program. It means that you can attend a university in one of the participating states and pay close to the in-state tuition. It was cheaper for my daughter to attend WOU than it would have been for her to attend a UC in California. And Oregon is chock full of small universities: WOU was a perfect fit for her.
Anyway, this is something you should know about if you live in one of the participating states and have college-aged children. (Maybe there's an eastern equivalent.)
It also means that there are a lot of students at her school from Hawaii and Alaska. Her dearest friend, Lauren, is from Hawaii and Lauren's mother, Vi, considers my daughter part of her family, so she flew in from Hawaii just for the graduation festivities.
Not only did Vi gift us with her presence, but she brought a large supply of gorgeous flower leis for my daughter and the family. I have never even seen leis like some of the ones she brought! I wanted to give some context for all of the gorgeous leis in the pics.
After the ceremony, we walked to "the Grove" to take some pics. That's when DD1 was draped in garlands—several leis that Vi brought from Hawaii and two "leis" made by her roommates—one made with tiny chocolate bars and the other made with catsup packets—chocolate and catsup are two of my daughter's favorite foods. The gold cords are for graduating magna cum laude.
Here are the closeups of two of the leis. The first lei was worn by my mother-in-law. The petals have been removed from the flower and densely sewn together. Such amazing texture!
The weather for the graduation really kept us guessing.
Two weeks earlier, Oregon was experiencing 95°F and 100°F weather, so I started planning accordingly. I decided to wear my organza duster, but I needed something summery to wear underneath. I found, in my stash, yards of white rayon jersey.
Now, WHAT was I doing with yards of white rayon jersey???!!!
I have no recollection, but I suspect I was thinking of dying it.
I liberated it from the stash and made three pair of white leggings (two just above the ankle and the one cropped), and a sleeveless Presto top, lengthened to tunic length, 'cause when wearing white jersey, you want to make sure that the nether bits are really covered...
In fact, after I'd made two pair of white leggings, using Style Arc's Laura legging pattern, I posted on Instagram, asking how many pair of white leggings is optimal.
I know that white leggings aren't everyone's "thing", but I was a bit surprised that the universal answer was ZERO. After making the Presto top and the first two pair of leggings, I had just enough fabric to squeeze out a third pair. It felt good to get that white fabric out of my stash!
I now had an outfit for a heat wave, but it needed accessories. To complete the ensemble, I bought a pair of silver Bernie Mev wedge sandals and a white hat, large enough to act as a parasol. I sent a pic of the hat to Margy, but told her that it was too big for my suitcase. She replied that I must buy that hat and hand carry it on the plane!
So I bought it.
Then, about a week before graduation, the weather turned. Oregon was now experiencing chilly weather and a lot of rain. And, what was worse, rain was predicted for the outdoor graduation.
So much for the hand-held electric fan that I'd ordered, along with the Evian Facial Spray misters, and Jillian's favorite sunscreen, BurnOut SPF 30 for Face & Body.
Up until the night before, I wasn't sure what I would wear. I finally packed several pieces of my Paris wardrobe. But... when I unpacked in Monmouth, I'd forgotten the black dress to wear with the Paris pieces. Ugh. In the end, I had to wear a mix of my travel outfit with some of my Paris pieces.
A little weird, but it was fine.
And what was the weather like during the graduation ceremony? A bit schizophrenic. It started out grey and overcast, then it rained, just a bit. Then the sun came out and blazed, but just a bit. Overall, it was fine!
Vi brought gorgeous flower leis and all I brought was... "grad glasses"!
Britex, Outlander, PROJKT Maiden Lane

Do you watch Outlander on the STARZ network?
I don't watch it, though I've heard about it. I even tried reading the first book in the Outlander series about 10 years ago, but I couldn't get into it.
The series is set in two time periods: post-WWII England and Scotland, and 18th century Scotland. Naturally, the costumes are a critical part of the production. They are created by Terry Dresbach, an amazing costume designer with an impressive blog. (Really, check out her blog.)
Terry likes to travel to San Francisco to select her fabrics at Britex. The dress shown above was made with a particularly special embroidered fabric. She blogged about the experience and so did Britex.
Later, Britex was able to order more of this unique fabric, having it specially made in Turkey. (Britex has a couple more posts about Terry's work here and here.)
I was in Britex last week, picking up fabric for my next blog post. I met up with Joie (pronounced Joey), their new marketing director. She showed me this fabric, which comes in panels.

A crazy number of floats. I think Joie said that Terry did some trimming of the floats.
This is not an entire panel, btw.
Lots of people are lining up to buy these panels. Two sewists (hi, Ellie!) told me they will use one to make decorative pillows. You can get two large pillows out of one panel if you use a companion fabric for the back.
I had a great visit with Joie (she's a real dynamo) and she took a pic of me with my selected fabric. No, I'm not yet sure how I'll use it, but I am starting to formulate ideas.

One more tidbit about Britex. They are planning a big event on September 23rd which requires closing off Maiden Lane, the alley behind the store. PROJKT Maiden Lane (scroll to the bottom of the linked page for info) is a fashion show featuring three former contestants of Project Runway, and one former contestant from Under the Gunn. Tickets are $20, $15 for students. The event is the night before Artistry in Fashion on September 24th. The guest speaker at AIF this year is Sharman Spector, the owner of Britex.
I'll be at both events! Tickets for Artistry in Fashion are $10, so it's a cheap weekend, if you can prevent yourself from shopping! HA!
Meeting Ari Seth Cohen and Joy Venturini Bianchi

The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity, but I could not miss the opportunity to see Ari Seth Cohen, of Advanced Style. Ari just published his second book, Advanced Style, Older and Wiser. He is doing a limited book tour and was visiting San Francisco this weekend.
The event was held at Bloomingdales in Westfield Mall, in San Francisco's Union Square. Joy Venturini Bianchi is a San Franciscan who is featured in Ari's latest book. She has been collecting couture clothing for her entire life and she combined her love of fashion with her dedication to helping the mentally disabled by starting a charity shop many years ago. Bloomingdales organized an interview on Saturday, along with a book signing. Evidently it was packed on Saturday, but I couldn't attend, as I was in Oregon. Unfortunately it was not recorded.
Sunday was an informal book signing, but no interview. They also set up a "pop up" store in a corner of Bloomingdales. Joy's charity is called "Helpers House of Couture", but it's usually referred to as "Couture House".
How did I never hear of this resource before?!?! If, like me, you never heard of Couture House or Joy Venturini Bianchi, you can learn more on SFGate or Racked.
When I arrived, it was before the 1pm start for the book signing, but Joy was already busy working. She invited me into the pop-up shop to... to shop!
I immediately found two amazing carved wooden bracelets and some earrings that called my name. When Joy saw my selections, she became very excited. Evidently a news crew had come through earlier that morning and she had selected those very three pieces for the reporter. No, I hadn't seen it.

I ended up staying quite a while. Chatting with Joy, Ari, with Roberto Rosas, an artist who has created some whimsical drawings, and others in the shop was incredibly fun. Roberto has drawn an entire fashion series where the designer garments are shown on... mice. They are selling prints of his work in the pop-up shop, including a delightful drawing that represents Joy wearing a Tom Ford suit, also featured in Ari's latest book.

Joy is featured in Ari Seth Cohen's latest book. Here she is wearing a Ralph Rucci dress:

Ari arrived a bit later and I had so much fun talking to him! It was so uncrowded and casual—perfect for chatting. He and Joy both signed my book.

On the second floor of Bloomingdale's there is a special exhibit of 9 outfits from Joy's personal collection. Roughly half of them are by Tom Ford. One is an Alexander McQueen, one is Dolce and Gabbana, one is Ralph Rucci. They are behind glass, so it was hard to get decent photos.

It was so much fun to chat with Joy, Ari, and the others in the shop. I had a hard time tearing myself away!
The pop-up shop and the exhibit will both be in Bloomingdales until July 11th. Check it out!
Rose City Textiles in Portland
Note: Rose City Textiles has since closed.

I've been to Portland several times in the last year, for work and also to visit DD1 in Monmouth. I'd visited most of the fabric stores in Portland, save one. A couple of you had mentioned that I really needed to get over to Rose City Textiles, or RCT.

I finally made it over there on this visit. RCT is a large warehouse full of fabrics (mostly technical fabrics), zippers, thread, cording, and cord toggles. They aren't intended as a retail outlet, but they allow you to wander their stacks, looking for goodies, and buried treasures.

Do you need a wicking fabric? They have it. Waterproof fabric? They have that, too. Fleece? Yup, in spades. They have all sorts of things—too many to mention.
I didn't find any fabric that I had to have, but I bought some zippers, cording, and piping—all are reflective.

I'm glad to experience another unique Portland resource. Thanks for suggesting it!
And... you know what? DD2 is going to college this fall in British Columbia. That means that I'll need to schedule a visit to Vancouver! There are definitely some shops in Vancouver I want to check out, like Dressew. I'd love to hear other suggestions. ;)
GoogleServe and a Rapunzel Hat

This was my third June at Google, so it was my third year of GoogleServe. Community service is encouraged all year, but particularly in June. Many projects are scheduled throughout the month, and one can sign up for whatever activity suits their interests, skills, or location. We are encouraged to spend up to 20 hours during work time to work on a community service project. For each hour worked, Google also contributes money to the charity, whether it's during the work day or after hours.
This is my third year of knitting caps for Knots of Love. A group of us converge on a conference room for the entire day, knitting away. mem, who used to take photos for my blog, came back to knit a baby blanket for the NICU. It was so good to see her!

Our hat count by the end of the day was something like 67 hats, and most of us keep knitting for another several weeks. We expect to have well over 100 hats by early July. There were lots of great hats, but my favorite is one that Patsy P crotcheted.

I just love Patsy's Rapunzel hat! Just imagine how it might cheer someone who is going through chemo. She used the Lassie Wig Hat pattern on Ravelry.

My hats were quite simple...

If you would like to knit or crochet caps for Knots of Love, make sure that you use one of the yarns from their list of approved yarns. It's a great cause! And don't forget the F*CK CANCER Morse Code cap that my colleague, Kathy, designed a couple years ago for this project.
A couple more pics:

And, before I go, I hope that Dorothy forgives me for posting these quick pics. Look at what she did with a unique border print! Just look at it!

So... no sewing this weekend... no sewing next weekend... But I am looking forward to watching the Tony Awards tonight!
I am joining up with Patti's Visible Monday on Not Dead Yet Style.
Have a great week!
What a wonderful blog. Congrats to your daughter (and you). I enjoyed every bit of this.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ronnie! I spent hours on these long blog posts, so comments like yours are much appreciated!
DeleteCongratulations to your daughter. Love your hot weather outfit. Hope you get to wear it soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ginger! I hate hot weather, so it isn't the end of the world if I don't. ;)
DeleteWhat an amazing post, Shams! You do have a way of living life to the fullest, and with joy. I so admire your energy. Congratulations to your daughter, and to you for raising her so well.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Glenda! Raising my kids was definitely a community enterprise. ;)
DeleteSo much joy in one post!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to your new college graduate.
I notice that you can knit on the bus commute now. Does it make you motion sick?
Thanks, Grace! It depends! It was ok that day, though the ride was a bit choppy due to the traffic but I was also in the front of the bus. (On the second floor, but in front.)
DeleteYou've been very busy and I enjoyed reading about it all! Congratulations to you beautiful daughter!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nurse Bennett!
DeleteCongrats to your grad! And, Shams honey, if you're ever coming to Vancouver you should let us know so we can throw you a little meetup, OK? It would be so lovely to meet you IRL.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Louisa! I would love to meet in person! I have no specific plans, and it turns out that parent weekend is while I'm in Europe, but I do want to get there at some point in the 2016/2017 academic year.
DeleteWhat fun post! I love the photo of your daughter, thoroughly lei-d, shoes in hand. And your white outfit is lovely (I too hate the heat!)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Elle! That's one of my favorites, too! I had to run in front of her, backwards, to get it! I kept running into pointy shrubberies. She thought I was nuts. ;)
Deletegreat post - congrats for the grad (and you) and onward to Vancouver. that sounds like a great place to go to school. those garments shown in Bloomies look so interesting. I just about swooned over that red Ralph Rucci dress, it is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteBeth! Your name came up at Britex. I'll fill you in later. You should get over and visit those dresses at Bloomies and the pop-up shop on the first floor!
DeleteFirst, congrats on having your girl graduate with honors and in 4 years! Then your blog post is enough for actually 4 posts, maybe more? Astonishing that you do so much and then share it in an artistic form. Beautifully done Shams!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Wendy! I appreciate that!
DeleteMany congratulations to you and your daughter!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Catherine! I'm so happy that she can now move on to... whatever!
DeleteSuch a great, good-newsy post! Full of joy and beauty! Congrats to DD1 on her graduation and lucky, lucky DD2 coming up to Vancouver. Dressew is indeed a treasure trove of notions. Button Button, a tiny shop just around the corner, guessed it...buttons!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sue! Ooooh, I forgot that you are also in Vancouver! Before I come (not sure when it will be) maybe we can arrange a meet up with you, Louisa, and others?
DeleteYES! Louisa and I would love to visit with you!
Deletecongrats and great post.thanks for sharing it and all the pics are awesome.
ReplyDeleteThe LookBook
What a fun filled post! Congrats to DD1! The book signing looks like it was fun. Shew that was a lot I feel like I need to take a breathe! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Carolyn! Yes, last week was a bit crazy and this next week is the same. I need some time to sew!
DeleteGreat blog post!!! I especially enjoyed hearing all about the Advanced Style book signing and seeing the pop-up shop.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Robin! Seriously, I was in total heaven meeting and chatting with everyone! Joy kept popping up and pulling clothes and jewelry that she thought would be good on folks. She choose some fabulous earrings and necklaces for me to try on. Sadly, I couldn't get everything that I liked. ;) But it was like shopping a friend's closet with other friends.
DeleteGreat post! Congratulations to your daughter.. Loved your white outfit. You look great in white leggings but I'm in the zero column too. Ari Seth Cohen has done an amazing job of showing old doesn't have to be boring. Love that.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nancy! Yes, I am a huge fan of Ari's. He moved to LA a year ago, and his boyfriend was also there. I had fun talking to him about LA, and how it compares to NYC.
DeleteBig congratulations to your daughter and to you! Loves all the pics of advanced styled women. And thank you for linking up with Vis Monday, xo
Thanks, Patti!
DeleteCongrats to your daughter and you.
ReplyDeleteGlad you made it to RCT fabrics. They recently moved into the warehouse (dark) from their previously attached 'retail' space (lighter) and it made finding items much more difficult. Thank god for Annette who has helped me source materials for many projects.
We lucked out in Corvallis for graduation- it was mostly windy and cool.
Yes, Kathy, thanks for that recommendation! Their warehouse is quite dark, but it was also raining buckets while I was there, so it might be lighter on a good weather day. Annette is a gem! When I walked in she commented on my coat immediately and asked if I'd made it. I said yes and she asked which pattern. When I said "Minoru" she snapped her fingers, "Of course!" She pointed out all sorts of goodies once she saw that I liked the striped zippers. She's a tremendous asset.
DeleteCongratulations to your daughter! Both, actually. One on finishing and one on starting university.
ReplyDeleteIf you're schedule permits it while in Vancouver, fabricana is a fun shop. They're out in the suburbs, and really nothing compared to what's in San Francisco, but I always find something gorgeous there. However, dressew is my favourite fabric shop.
Thank you, Mandy, for that recommendation! When I do come, I'll have to have a car, so I'm glad to hear of nearby recommendations.
DeleteYour blog is such an inspiration! You are one busy lady but obviously spend your time appreciating things of beauty and then graciously sharing them with us. Thanks for all the time you devote to your posts. Congratulations on DD1's graduation. Karen
ReplyDeleteThanks, Karen! I really appreciate that!
DeleteWhat a fun post. I think I'm exhausted just reading it. :-) Congrats to the new graduate!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Debbie!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nakisha! And congrats to your high school graduate!!
DeleteShams, I don't even know where to begin, this post was so fun! Seeing your daughter (and you!) so happy was infectious. She is just beautiful. I enjoyed every minute of this post!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Gayle!
DeleteYour posts are always do interesting and informative. You have a great outlook on life. Congrats to your daughter - that is an amazing accomplishment.
ReplyDeleteThanks, SewingCPA! I do try to include items that might be of interest to other sewers. Or at least to some sewers. :)
DeleteCongrats to you and DD - 4 years is quite an accomplishment. Great post. I always love your inspiration. Enjoyed seeing the book signing. I have the book and also a new one 'Forever Style'
Thanks, Marcia! Isn't it funny that 4 years is seen as an accomplishment these days? In "our day" 4 years was the norm!
DeleteLove your posts, SHAMS. Congratulations on DD1 graduating with honors. You are an AWESOME MOM! I lived in SF for three years before marriage then moved to San Jose for over 30 years, so I love to hear what is going on in SF and beyond. Britex is a favorite place. So glad you can have all the wonderful experiences that area has to offer and that you share them with us. A little nostalgic and exciting at the same time. Now onto DD2 adventures and travel! I'll be here waiting for the news! Have a wonderful summer!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Margene! If you are in San Jose, then you aren't that far away! Maybe we'll cross paths, perhaps at AIF?
DeleteWould be great to meet up, but I now live in Utah. Am coming to California in October--sewing retreat in Carmel. I do want a day in SF before visiting family and heading back to Utah.
DeleteHow exciting - one graduated daughter! Congratulations to you both. Sounds like you had a great time with Ari and Joy too.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Vicki! It's a real milestone, isn't it?
DeleteWhat an incredible post! I envy you your energy, to take advantage of all the interesting and joyful events in your life. Congrats to DD1 and good wishes to clever of them to make sure you have 8 consecutive years of university parenting! The graduation pictures are stunning...gorgeous graduate, lovely lei (that's both the singular and the plural, BTW) stunning mother. And of course, I'm green with envy of your meetup with Ari and Joy. Thanks for all the delicious details‼️����
ReplyDeleteThanks, Margy! YES, it was very considerate of my kids to arrange that! Given that they are only 2 years apart, but DD2 took her time deciding what she wanted, and that's fine by me! I wish you could have been there to meet Ari and Joy! Now that Ari lives in LA, you may have a good opportunity. And if you come up to SF, maybe we can arrange to meet Joy!
DeleteAwesome post. So much exciting and wonderful news. Congrats to both of your daughters. And you get to know Vancouver! Bonus!
ReplyDeleteOf course everyone knows about Dressew, but there is also Our Social Fabric, and Maiwa, and then there are all the Sari/Saree shops on south Fraser and south Main streets. Definitely worth a visit. Of course we all expect to hear all about your adventures in Vancouver 8-D.
Thanks for that info, Elle!!
DeleteI was just checking an old post about your White 534 Serger and how you keep it threaded with black threads only. I received my machine as a gift at least twenty-five years ago and it is still doing it's thing! (touch wood…)The way I change colours (particularly for the loopers) is to cut the old thread at the very top,, tie the new colours using a square knot (so that it won't slip), turn the tensions to zero, then holding the black "tail" gently towards the back, run the machine slowly until all four new threads are through (past the needles), then return the tensions back to #7 for the far left thread and to #4 for the remaining three threads. Hope this helps…
ReplyDeleteHi there! Oh, I know how to thread my serger. I can even thread it "from scratch", with no thread in there at all. I just don't bother. ;)
DeleteWhat a fabulous and cheerful post, so full of good news and kindnesses.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Claire!
DeleteLong time lurker… But just had to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You are quite an inspiration. I have also been to DoL in Taos New Mexico're going to love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Teresa!! I'm glad you unlurked. :) I went to DOL in Taos 3 years ago. I like it well enough to go to Ashland last fall. It's a great retreat!
DeleteI loved this epic post!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Deborah!
DeleteCan I just say how much I'm leaning on your site since the Orlando shootings? I need to keep reminding myself that this is still a world where people do beautiful things for the joy of it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pamela! I have watched some of the coverage, then I have to go into news avoidance mode. Even still, it's very depressing. There is more good than bad in the world, though. I believe that.
DeleteWow what a post! Congratulations on your DDs graduation and love all the outfits your wearing. I couldn't take my eyes off Joy's jacket.